What are the main contributors of CO2 emissions in surgery?
First steps to sustainable healthcare
a publication of the Swiss College of Surgeons
First steps to sustainable healthcare
Pansement en film pour défaut des tissus mous du doigt
Pectus Excavatum (PE) and Pectus carinatum (PC) represent the most common chest wall deformities (CWDs), occurring in approximately 1 in every 300-400 births, and showing a male predominance.
La résection de la tête du pancréas préservant le duodénum (RTPPD) s'est révélée être une thérapie efficace pour la pancréatite chronique symptomatique depuis sa description par Beger en 1985 et sa modification par Frey en 1987.
Mason and Ito introduced gastric bypass surgery back in 1967, initially in a loop configuration (1). However, due to issues like bile reflux, Griffen and his team later modified the procedure to what is today known as the Roux-en-Y configuration (2).
This video shows a left laparoscopic adrenalectomy of a 6cm pheochromocytoma, which as such qualifies as a large adrenal tumor ‘LAT’. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy, including transperitoneal and retroperitoneal approaches, is considered the gold standard for surgical treatment of adrenal tumors. Management of LATs is challenging due to possible difficulties with the resection as well as the risk of malignancy. Pheochromocytoma can occur as part of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type II, which develops from a mutation of the RET-protooncogene.
This video was presented and awarded the first video prize at the 21st TRIPARTITE MEETING for Minimally Invasive Surgery, organized by the Swiss-MIS (https://swiss-mis.ch) und the ASRCC (https://asrcc.ch).
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