The Relaunch of the Journal Club in SWISS / KNIFE
A Platform for Engaging Surgical Discourse
a publication of the Swiss College of Surgeons
Pour un SWISS/KNIFE informatif et divertissant!
Prof. Rami Sommerstein, Professor of Infectious Diseases and Public Health Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern, heads the 'SSI Intervention' module at Swissnoso.
Editorial Focus Working time. In the demanding world of surgeons, the pursuit of excellence in patient care, education, and personal well-being often feels like a precarious balancing act.
Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for non-obstetrical surgery during pregnancy.
PD Dr. med. Dr. phil. Vanessa Banz, Senior Attending Surgeon at the Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine at Inselspital Bern, explains the objectives and goals of gender medicine.
Beat Schnüriger, chirurgien viscéral à l'Hôpital de l'Île à Berne, devient nouveau Senior Editor de SWISS KNIFE. Il s'engage pour «un SWISS KNIFE informatif et divertissant!»
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