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Images in Surgery

Upper endoscopy with unusual consequences
Images in Surgery

Upper endoscopy with unusual consequences

A 76-year-old patient presented in septic shock with diffuse abdominal pain two days after upper endoscopy. Fluid resuscitation and broad-spectrum antibiotics were administered. Initial diagnostics revealed an enlarged stomach wall. After further detoriation and development of an abdominal compartment syndrome a partial gastrectomy and open-abdomen treatment was performed. 

Aortic Puzzles: A Patient’s Journey
Images in Surgery

Aortic Puzzles: A Patient’s Journey

An 83-year-old patient presented at our emergency department with a 24-hour history of dizziness, balance impairment, chills, high fever of 39°C, as well as mild discomfort in both the left and right upper abdominal quadrants. 

Mysterious Gallbladder
Images in Surgery

Mysterious Gallbladder

A 71 year old female patient presented to the Emergency Department with diffuse abdominal pain in the right hemiabdomen with increasing intensity over the course of a few days, and a history of digestive issues. 

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