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Welcome on board!

It is our great pleasure to introduce our newest editorial-board member – Lilian Salm! After earning her medical degree from the University of Bern, Dr. Liliam Salm trained in general and visceral surgery at the SRO Langenthal, Kantonsspital Aarau, and at the University Hospital of Bern. Alongside her clinical specialization in general surgery, she strongly became involved in clinical research projects primarily focusing on surgical site infections. Her growing curiosity about the pathophysiological mechanisms of wound healing at a basic research level motivated her to deepen her understanding of this subject. 

Her passion for bridging clinical practice with basic science led her to a research fellowship in the lab of Prof. G. Beldi at the University of Bern. Subsequently she did a postdoctoral fellowship in Prof. P. Kubes’ lab at the University of Calgary in Canada, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, to enhance her expertise in immunology and master advanced techniques such as intravital imaging and spectral flow cytometry. She currently works as a junior attending surgeon at the Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine at the University Hospital of Bern. Outside of her professional life, she enjoys outdoor activities with her kids, skiing, hiking and sewing.

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